13 December, 10:15 - 10:45 HKT

Exploration-based Learning in Kindergarten

Early Childhood Education Theatre


Young children are full of curiosity and enjoy exploring and learning new things through their senses. Yan Oi Tong Chan Cheng Yuk Yee Kindergarten is committed to implementing a ‘3C’ curriculum that uses play as a learning medium, inspiring children to actively explore and take charge of their own learning, using and integrated approach to nurture their communication, collaboration and creativity skills in the interactive process of learning and teaching.

This teaching case study uses ‘Small Tools’ that children encounter in their daily lives as the theme, allowing children to personally explore and manipulate common tools, learn the basic methods of inquiry, and use tools to solve problems in daily life. Further, they can develop creativity and design small inventions to improve their lives together with their peers. Teachers start from the interests and prior experiences of the children. Through interactions with adults, peers and the environment, children actively think, inquire, and then practice different problem-solving methods by hands-on-exploration, gradually solving problems, recognising their learning concepts, and constructing new learning experiences.

The programme can ignite children’s intrinsic motivation to learn, strengthen their confidence to explore new things and face challenges, and enable them to persistently delve into learning, laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning. 

Participants of this seminar will:
1. Appreciate and preserve children’s innate curiosity, encourage them to be willing to try and ask questions.
2. Encourage children to conduct exploration, and discover new knowledge in the natural environment and the real world.
