11 December, 14:45 - 15:15 HKT

Integrating Humanistic Spirit into STREAM Education

Well-being & Inclusive Learning Theatre


This school is a special school for students with physical disabilities. By focusing on student needs, we integrate humanities into STREAM education, making it warmer and more relatable. This seminar will explore how to integrate a humanistic spirit into STREAM education to enhance students' learning motivation.

The speaker’s team believes that a student-centered educational approach can ignite students' interest in STREAM education. By observing the needs of their classmates, the speaker’s team encourages students to apply STREAM knowledge to their daily lives and show empathy towards others' needs.

At the same time, the speaker’s team encourages students to engage in hands-on practice, brainstorming, and team collaboration, thereby promoting self-directed learning. They believe that integrating a humanistic spirit into STREAM education can help students transform STREAM concepts into reality, fully develop their innovative thinking, and assist them in facing future challenges. 

Starting from learning the basics, students gradually get to know the use of various sensors and finally design their ideal smart home. In this process, the speaker’s team encourages students to connect the knowledge they have learned to their daily lives and meet their actual needs.

Students are also able to devise ways to use STREAM knowledge to improve the environment. This helps to cultivate their empathy and social responsibility, enabling them to become responsible global citizens. 

Participants of this seminar will understand:
1. Innovative Integration of Technology in Education: The audience will learn how to effectively integrate smart home technology into STREAM education to enhance accessibility and engagement for students with physical disabilities;

2.Enhancement of Learning Outcomes: The presentation will highlight how a humanistic approach to STREAM education can boost student motivation; and

3.Empowerment through Collaborative Learning: Audience members will understand the importance of collaborative projects in cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The seminar will show how students can contribute to meaningful improvements in their school environment.
