11 December, 14:15 - 14:45 HKT

Strengthening Students' Understanding of Chinese Culture and Enhancing Their Sense of National Identity through the Integration of Virtual and On-site Field Study



The seminar is divided into two parts. In part one, the speaker will use the 'Virtual Learning Journey' educational kit produced by the Academy of Chinese Culture, to demonstrate how to conduct virtual field trips through 360 panoramic views and VR exhibition halls. And introducing the characteristics of Chinese culture and the preservation of cultural relics. In part two, the speaker will use the in-depth cultural tour of the Three Kingdoms history as an example of on-site field study to help the participants understand the history and culture of the Three Kingdoms, the preservation of cultural relics, and the development of cities in contemporary China.

The kit not only aids in conducting virtual field trips, but also serves as preparation before actual visits:
1. Enhance students' learning interest and guide them to self-explore knowledge.
2. Enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching in conjunction with on-site field study; and
3. Guide students to understand Chinese culture and urban development in order to enhance their sense of national identity.
