12 December, 14:15 - 14:45 HKT

Promote the Whole-person Development of Gifted / High-ability Students through Effective Parent Education

Future Learning Theatre


Gifted students generally have behavioural and emotional traits that are different from their peers. Therefore, in addition to teachers, parents also need to have skills in caring for and nurturing them. In order to let different stakeholders understand the strategies and resources to support gifted students, this school actively develops positive parent education. In addition to regular parent education lectures, this school also sets up online parent chat time during holidays. Encourage parents during the long holiday to build a positive thinking campus atmosphere. The speaker’s team hopes that the school's sharing can provide colleagues in the education sector with a reference for positive parent education and home-school cooperation. 

Through home-school cooperation and parent training activities throughout the year, the number of parent participants has continued to increase significantly. The team has found that the school parent group has become more cohesive, for example, parents will spontaneously organise activities to respect teachers. Moreover, through questionnaire data, we learned that parents have improved their nurturing skills and become more confident in taking care of children with different abilities. This is what the speaker’s team likes to see, because if children want to be healthy physically and mentally, they must have a parent who is physically and mentally healthy, so that they can complement each other. 

Participants of this seminar will understand:
1. the role and importance of parents in nurturing and supporting gifted students;
2. how to enable gifted students to develop comprehensively through home-school cooperation; and
3. understand the relationship between the holistic development of gifted students and positive parent education.
