13 December, 11:00 - 11:30 HKT

Promoting Student Wellness: A Tale of Two Cities (Melbourne & Hong Kong)

Well-being & Inclusive Learning Theatre


Good mental health and well-being are crucial for children to thrive from early years into adolescence and adulthood. With growing concerns on student wellness in recent years, the Hong Kong Principals' Institute (HKPI) organised a study tour to Melbourne in early November. This tour brought together principals and teachers from kindergartens, primary, secondary and special schools, to learn about district-wide support for promoting well-being and social-emotional learning in Melbourne, Australia.

This seminar explores the vital theme of student wellness through comparative insights from Melbourne and Hong Kong. As educational landscapes evolve, student well-being has become a cornerstone for effective learning environments. Through observing and reflecting on best practices in different contexts in both cities, distinct approaches in promoting wellness that reflect cultural, social, and educational differences have been identified.

In Melbourne, a general approach that focuses on mental health support and community engagement is used, integrating programs that foster resilience and emotional intelligence. Schools collaborate with local organisations to create safe spaces, promoting a sense of belonging. Conversely, Hong Kong's focus on academic excellence often overshadows wellness initiatives. In recent years, mental health awareness has been prioritised by means of mindfulness practices and peer support. This presentation will highlight successful strategies from both cities, offering practical insights to enhance student wellness and inspire educators to cultivate environments that prioritise student's well-being.

The seminar will yield key outcomes to enhance student wellness through shared insights from the two cities. First, the seminar will share effective strategies for promoting student wellness, highlighting successful initiatives observed during the tour.

Second, we will emphasise the importance of a whole-school approach to student wellness and social-emotional education, showing how integrating these principles into school culture can benefit students.

Also, we will explore a district-wide support framework that illustrates the collaborative efforts between schools and local authorities to create a cohesive system for student wellness.

Finally, the seminar will underscore the value of collaboration with external organisations, showcasing how partnerships can enhance resources and support for schools. Together, these elements will provide educators with practical tools and strategies to foster a nurturing environment that prioritises the well-being of every student.

Participants of this seminar will understand:
1. Practical Strategies: Feasible ways and best practices in promoting student wellness that can be implemented in their own contexts;
2. Holistic Approaches: Deepen understanding on the importance of a whole-school approach to social-emotional education and its positive impact on students' overall well-being; and
3. Collaboration Insights: Explore possibilities of collaboration with external organisations and local authorities; Learn how partnership can enhance support for student wellness.
