11 December, 11:15 - 11:45 HKT

Financial Competence Education for All Age Groups: Content, Pedagogies, and Assessment

Future Learning Theatre


Financial literacy (FL) helps people make wise financial choices and improve their financial well-being. Financial knowledge leads to better financial behaviors, higher incomes, and more financial security. However, general financial literacy education does not apply to everyone, thus, different groups need different financial education, depending on their age and life stage.

In the seminar, the speaker will offer in-depth discussion on designing and delivering tailored financial education programs and policies. The seminar will cover the following topics: the key financial issues for different age groups, such as career planning, budgeting, education, and retirement; the best teaching methods and their effectiveness for various groups; and the evaluation and impact of financial education. The seminar will raise public awareness of the importance of financial literacy and financial education for individual financial well-being.
