11 December, 14:00 - 14:30 HKT

Learning and Teaching of Chinese and English' in the AI Era

AI in Education Theatre


The study by the speaker focuses on Chinese and English teaching activities and uses artificial intelligence to improve students' language abilities. In the Chinese language section, students use AI to learn vocabulary and character description skills on related topics, and conduct peer evaluations and discussion in class. The English subject uses AI to enhance pre-class vocabulary learning, reading comprehension and writing skills. Students apply pre-learned vocabulary to customised reading passages and further enhance their learning through writing and speaking exercises after class, including reflective questions and personal presentations to promote critical thinking and oral expression skills. 

Through artificial intelligence to enhance language learning, students in Chinese and English class have enriched their vocabulary knowledge during the pre-class preparation stage. In class, students show their preparation results, conduct peer evaluations, and conduct in-depth discussions on language and expression skills. This process strengthens students' language skills, especially in written and spoken expression, and encourages the development of active learning and critical thinking.

Participants of this seminar will understand:

1. understand how to enrich language learning through artificial intelligence technology, especially in terms of vocabulary expansion and precise use;
2. understand how AI can help improve reading comprehension and writing skills, and promote in-depth language learning; and
3. understand the importance of interactive learning, including classroom peer review and discussion of reflective questions, which helps students develop critical thinking and independent learning.
