11 December, 12:45 - 13:15 HKT

Enhancing Equality in Learning Opportunity – Develop Effective School-based enrichment programmes for under-achievers with High Ability in low Social Economic Status

K12 Theatre


The project titled 'Enhancing Equality in Learning Opportunity – Develop effective school-based enrichment programmes for under-achievers with high ability in low social economic status' aimed at promoting equal learning opportunities, focuses on developing effective school-based enrichment programs for underachieving talented students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. This project supports primary and secondary school teachers through systematic training to understand student potential and apply effective strategies. Additionally, it provides schools with foundational knowledge to identify and nurture student abilities, fostering a professional community to cultivate local training teams. The project's success is built on a pilot program by the Hong Kong Education University, supported by Oxfam and the Central Charity Fund, which included teacher training, student identification, curriculum design, and parental support. The current project extends this to more students and schools, emphasising sustainable professional development and broader social impact. 

Participants of this seminar will:
1. gain insights into effective strategies for developing school-based enrichment programs for underachieving talented students;
2. understand the importance of systematic professional development for teachers in identifying and nurturing student potential; and
3. gain practical knowledge on engaging parents and the broader community in supporting talented students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
